APPA and MAPPA Committees

Committees are comprised of association members whose work supports the specific mission and scope of that committee. A member becomes Chairperson of a committee through an appointment made by the MAPPA President with the approval of the MAPPA Board of Directors. The Chairperson from each of these committees also serves as the liaison and committee member of the respective APPA Committee. The Membership and Professional Development Committees have MAPPA member support, in addition to the Chairperson.

Awards & Recognition Committee

Lorraine Schwager

Awards & Recognition Chair

University of Wisconsin – Madison

The MAPPA Awards & Recognition Committee has a key role in ensuring recognition of “individual” service and achievement by considering applications for such individual awards as the Meritorious Service, the APPA Fellow, and the Pacesetter award.

Communication Committee

Adam McLimans

Communication Chair

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

The MAPPA Communication Committee is in charge of managing the MAPPA website, all associated social media accounts as well as distributing key communications to MAPPA members on topics such as events and training.   Management and organization of file storage and sharing also falls under the responsibility of this committee and it’s members.

Membership Committee

Ally Kosur

Membership Chair

Illinois State University

The APPA Membership Committee’s key role is to provide strategic guidance to retain and grow an actively engaged membership with the requisite knowledge, skills, abilities, and values to elevate the educational facilities professional, and to transform learning institutions. The Committee reviews eligibility criteria for membership and makes recommendations with regard to changes to membership categories and dues. The Committee recommends to the Board strategies for growing APPA membership and retaining current members. The Committee accomplishes this in part by producing and approving an annual member recruitment plan and strategy, and periodically reviewing and adjusting the plan as needed to support attainment of annual targeted recruitment and retention goals. Finally, the Membership Committee provides perspective on the needs and expectations of APPA’s membership and works in tandem with other APPA committees and task forces to ensure APPA products and services are in alignment with the APPA Member Value Statement and APPA Brand Values Statement (noted in the titled sections below).

The MAPPA Membership Committee is a subcommittee of the APPA Membership Committee. The purpose of the committee is to provide guidance, input, and support through the Chair to the APPA Membership Committee. A representative from each of the seven MAPPA states is on the MAPPA Membership Committee Members serve a three-year term.

Professional Development Committee

Dawn Aguilera

Professional Development Committee Chair

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

The APPA Professional Development Committee’s key role is to ensure the proper education and development of educational facilities professionals across the entire APPA community. The charge is to continually evaluate, validate, and improve the educational program development for the association as well as assist in the oversight of the Supervisor’s Toolkit, Institute for Facilities Management, Leadership Academy, the Annual APPA Conference, SFO Summit, Online Learning opportunities, Thought Leader’s Series, and Drive-In Workshops. Implicit in this charge is the need for creative thinking and bold, innovative ideas in the constant review of educational content and exploration of more effective delivery methodology.
The MAPPA Professional Development Committee is a subcommittee of the APPA Professional Development Committee. The purpose of this committee is to provide guidance, input and support through the Chair to the APPA Professional Development Committee. In addition, they are responsible for the planning and execution of the MAPPA Annual Meeting and other Midwest Regional professional development events and activities. The Committee is comprised of a Chairperson and eight members: four representing the Big Ten Trainers Network and four representing MAPPA facilities personnel. The goal is to have a diverse team representing all types and sizes of colleges/institutions. Members shall serve a minimum of two years and a maximum of three years on the Committee.

MAPPA Committees

MAPPA has several committees that assist with the administrative functions of the organization. These committees are:

Annual Meeting Host Committee
This MAPPA Committee is responsible for the planning of the physical arrangements for the Annual Meeting. Normally this committee is composed of representatives from member institutions in the same geographic location as the Annual Meeting site. The Chair of the Host Committee serves as a member of the MAPPA Board for the year preceding the Annual Meeting through the Board Meeting at the end of that year.

Annual Meeting Site Selection Committee
This MAPPA Committee determines the sites for Annual Meetings in accordance with the guidelines established by the MAPPA Bylaws..

Scholarship Committee
This MAPPA Committee, which is chaired by the APPA Junior Representative, reviews Midwest Region applications for scholarships to APPA and MAPPA professional development opportunities and makes recommendations to the MAPPA Board for the awarding of scholarships.