Scholarship applications for January training are due on or before November 1st and scholarship applications for September training are due on or before July 1st. Applications will be evaluated on a first come, first served basis and awarded based on the availability of funds.
MAPPA’s mission is to provide opportunities for and to support the professional development of the employees of MAPPA member institutions. Professional development of personnel in the field of facilities operations, maintenance, design and construction is essential to ensure that our organizations can continue to meet the challenges faced by today’s Higher Education Facility Service Organizations. MAPPA believes this professional development can best be achieved through training programs provided by MAPPA and APPA. It is committed by providing funding for scholarships to assist member institution employees attend the following programs:
The Institute’s CEU curriculum is composed of four one-week-long core areas: General Administration & Management; Maintenance & Operations; Energy & Utilities; Planning, Design & Construction. For more info, please visit APPA’s link:
The Leadership Academy provides opportunities for professionals to increase their awareness of industry issues, to learn the skills necessary to handle today’s changes, and to discover their leadership potential. For more info, please visit APPA’s link::
This program is designed for a full week of training. For more information, visit:
MAPPA Scholarship will cover Registration and up to $1,000 in eligible travel costs.
The Certified Educational Facilities Professional credential (CEFP) is a certification designed for both aspiring and existing educational facilities professionals with eight years of combined education and professional facilities management experience. Earning the CEFP demonstrates that you have a mastery of professional expertise and is a mark of superior proficiency in the core competencies for education facilities professionals.
MAPPA’s annual conference provides educational sessions and numerous networking opportunities for Facilities professionals in the Mid-West region. This scholarship is provided to support individuals who have never attended a MAPPA conference. It is open to any Facilities Operation administrative or management employee, MAPPA members or non-members.
MAPPA Scholarship will cover the conference Registration.
Reasons given for wanting to attend
Recommendation from the Facilities Operations Director/CFO of the school
Institution must be a member of APPA and MAPPA
Only one scholarship will be award for each institution per calendar year
Attendance at previous Institutes or Academies
Elapsed time since the same institution received a scholarship
Level of activity in MAPPA
To obtain a copy of the scholarship application, please see links above.
To provide adequate time for evaluation, applications should be submitted at least one month before the beginning of the program requested.
Applications received later will be considered but will have a lower probability of funding.
Completed applications for scholarship should be sent to the MAPPA Junior Representative by July 1st to be considered for the September programming offering and by November 1st to be considered for the January programming offering.
Applicants who were not awarded a MAPPA Scholarship because all scholarships had already been distributed can be considered for a scholarship the following year’s educational events.
Applicants from the combined pool who are not awarded the remaining available MAPPA Scholarships will be considered for the one APPA Scholarships, which do not include travel reimbursement.
Either use member institution funds for registration and apply to the MAPPA Treasurer for reimbursements using the MAPPA Expense Report or request that APPA invoice MAPPA for the fees.
Non-registration eligible expenses are reimbursed by the MAPPA Treasurer.
All reimbursements require a completed Expense Report (see above for link to the report).